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Google Professional Cloud Architect Exam Preparation

I recently passed the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam. The Google Professional Cloud Architect certification is an exam that one can take to demonstrate their knowledge of cloud architecture...

Setting up new Terminal for Macbook

If you spend lots of time on your mac Terminal, maybe it’s time to refresh it a bit. Some tools and packages will help you get the most out of...

Kubernetes CLI tools I use Everyday

Managing multiple Kubernetes clusters is a pain. From switching between multiple clusters and managing applications and microservices deployed in multiple namespaces. Here are some commands and tools I use every...

Useful Shell scripting commands

Writing scripts can be very useful and saves lots of your time but it can be a bit of a pain, but there are some useful commands that can be...

Service Mesh in Kubernetes with Istio

What is Istio? To fully understand Istio, you need to understand the concepts of Service Mesh. A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that adds a way to control...

Securing your Kubernetes cluster with Network Policy

In Kubernetes, to control the traffic flow of your cluster (layer 3 or 4), you can use Network Policy. Network Policy object allows you to specify rules to your pods....